Tania’s Story

Tania accepted our support when her partner was referred to Hampton Trust’s ADAPT programme by another agency.
Tania had a child from a previous relationship who had witnessed her being physically and verbally attacked as well as being verbally abused itself. Tania blamed herself for her partner’s behaviour and therefore sent the child to live with his biological father while she tried to make things work with her partner.
The DASA’s role is to support the partners of those participating in our behaviour change interventions, ensuring they are not put at further risk. In Tania’s case, her partner didn’t engage very well with the programme, therefore the DASA had gentle and encouraging conversations with Tania about the domestic abuse support available through a partner agency and options of going into a refuge. Although initially reluctant, knowing from the DASA that her partner was not engaging with ADAPT and considering the fact she was frightened of him, she made the decision to accept a referral to a refuge.
Tania is now safely in a refuge; her child can visit and stay over with her. A housing application has been made for a 2-bedroom property so her son can be in her care full time. Since she has left the family home her now partner has re-engaged with ADAPT and is currently receiving one-to-one support.
Tania told her DASA that she