Adam and Nicky’s story

Adam was referred to Hampton Trust after couples counselling revealed some unhealthy behaviours in his relationship with his partner. Following Adam’s referral, his partner Nicky was assigned to one of our Domestic Abuse Safety Advisors (DASA), who are providing support to the partners of those taking part in our behaviour change interventions.
Nicky stated that during her relationship with Adam ‘he just dismissed my right to be heard and to say how I felt’. After several incidents she was adamant that she didn’t want her children or herself exposed to that kind of behaviour. She asked Adam to move out and address his abusive behaviours before she would consider inviting him back into her family home.
Nicky was initially reserved and feeling vulnerable and upset by the situation she found herself in. Eventually she felt comfortable enough to disclose very personal and difficult experiences, which gave the DASA the opportunity to encourage her to access other support, leading to positive outcomes for her. The DASA also provided regular updates on Adam’s engagement during the programme and offered signposting or referral to other agencies, safety and risk management strategies, and emotional support.
Nicky and Adam both had the same goal of living together as a family with their children from previous relationships, and Adam demonstrated that he was committed to changing his behaviour. He attended the group regularly until he completed the programme. There were incidents along the way, but Nicky was confident to discuss her feelings and expectations, and Adam was learning to listen.
Three months after Adam completed the course,
Nicky said,