Harry’s story

Harry contacted Hampton Trust himself after he was arrested for coercive controlling and physically assaulting his partner. He had complex needs, including ADHD, mental health issues (depression, bipolar and borderline personality disorder), and substance misuse issues. Nevertheless he showed high levels of accountability during the initial assessment.
During the early stages of the programme, Harry’s mental health declined significantly to the point of him having suicidal thoughts. The group practitioner, who is also a Mental Health Champion for Hampton Trust, provided additional support and signposting to help Harry stabilise, resulting in Harry attending additional counselling sessions and male therapy groups. During the course of the programme, Harry managed to secure employment and also restore his relationship with his parents which had declined over the years due to his adverse childhood experiences.
Harry’s accountability and openness had a big impact on the group dynamic – he openly challenged negative responses and encouraged positive behaviour and opinions from the other group members. His impactful contribution during the last session focused on his thoughts and planning of suicide at the early stages and how the support, learning and journey had made such changes to his life and improved his behaviour: