Anthony’s story

Anthony was referred to ADAPT by Children’s Services following the disclosure of physically controlling and coercive behaviour towards his partner, and child protection measures were put in place to safeguard their two children.
During his assessment, Anthony spoke about repeatedly being sexually assaulted as a child. He had many adverse childhood experiences and grew up with poor male role models; he also had additional mental health needs and recently suffered the bereavement of his father.
Anthony was honest and accountable from the start and contributed well to group discussions. At times, his level of openness and honesty were hugely encouraging to the other group members. However, the module on sexual respect was potentially a trigger for Anthony. In order to avoid re-traumatisation, he was able to complete this model in one-to-one sessions rather than group work.
Anthony successfully completed the programme, and where he had engaged with many other services for his needs during his life, none had been as successful as his attendance and interaction during ADAPT.
He openly commented on this to other group members: