The CARA effect

20th July 2023




Written by

Kerstin Mordant

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How a trauma-informed early intervention for domestic abuse offenders opens the space for behaviour change

Emma Hazan, CARA Development Manager

When Adam arrived at the CARA workshop, he was certain that he shouldn’t be there and that this was all a waste of time. He had been arrested for a domestic abuse offence and, as it was his first offence and considered low level, had received a conditional caution. Whilst this meant he wasn’t prosecuted, it was under the condition that he attend the CARA programme.

Project CARA, which was developed by Hampton Trust in 2011, stands for Cautioning and Relationship Abuse and is an awareness-raising early intervention targeting alleged first-time offenders of domestic abuse. Originally conceived as an alternative to a simple caution with no further action, under the new two-tier out of court disposal framework coming into force soon it can be offered as part of a diversionary caution to support rehabilitation and change.

Following police involvement in a domestic abuse incident, suitable offenders are identified and referred through clear eligibility criteria. They attend two full-day group workshops delivered one month apart which take offenders on a journey to understand the wider context and devastating impact of domestic abuse and support them to explore, understand and manage their own personal risk factors. Through this trauma-informed approach combined with meaningful engagement and skilled facilitation, offenders are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour, attitudes and assumptions, and are supported and motivated towards change through signposting to wider support services. The group setting offers valuable opportunities for peer challenge and peer learning.

In Adam’s case, the CARA facilitators, who are trained to anticipate resistance, responded with encouragement. When Adam started to engage, he disclosed his own challenges in processing his emotions following a recent loss and made connections between his feelings of grief and his mental health and use of alcohol. He left the first workshop indicating he had a lot to think about and having identified a personal goal: Starting to go to the gym to manage his built up energy, and to explore grief counselling.

At the second workshop, Adam reflected that he had previously not wanted to even think about his own grief and was focused on being angry with the world, but that he now understood that dealing with grief was a journey, that he wanted to learn more about local support available, and that he already feels lighter and more able to deal with life’s stressors. Adam also reflected that he could see how his previous attitude had been impacting his partner, and that he wanted to change that.

Since it was launched in 2011 in Hampshire, CARA has helped thousands of first-time domestic abuse offenders like Adam. More than ten years later it is delivered in nine police regions in England: In Hampshire, West Midlands, Dorset, Avon & Somerset, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Thames Valley it is delivered directly by Hampton Trust; in West Yorkshire we have partnered with Restorative Solutions to deliver CARA through our new replication model. This allows commissioned providers with knowledge of their local areas to deliver CARA in their region with training, guidance, materials and quality assurance provided by Hampton Trust.

We have also developed a separate workshop for female offenders with adaptations that respond to the unique vulnerabilities of female offending, including gender dynamics of domestic abuse, retaliatory violence, and unique risk factors.

CARA is proven to reduce reoffending

The evidence that CARA works is compelling: Since the initial pilot evaluation through a randomised control trial there have been several further evaluations demonstrating the effectiveness of this intervention. Clearly shown benefits include a reduction in reoffending, victims reporting positive changes, and offenders reporting a change in attitude towards partners and children.